Sunday, August 8, 2010

Chipotle - Barbacoa Burrito

I took a bite so you can see inside.
I hit Chipotle today for lunch. I still can't get over the fact theres a Chipotle 4 minutes away from where I am living now it's so great.

Anyway, I usually go for the traditional Steak Burrito,with hot sauce, black beans and cheese etc, but today I was feeling adventurous and went with the Barbacoa. I got the usual accoutrement; Black Beans, Cheese and Hot Sauce. I was debating the Guac, but decided against it an extra $1.50 just wasn't worth it to me today. Anyway with a Soda the whole meal was $8.77 not to bad. The flavor was great, and the Barbacoa fresh. Definatley an upgrade from standard Steak. The hot sauce makes you breathe a little heavier but its not too overpowering. I attempted adding a little Tabasco but that was a bit much. The Coca-Cola was well... Coca-Cola.

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