Sunday, August 22, 2010

Butcher Boy 92% Lean Sirloin Burgers

Made myself some burgers tonight on the George Foreman grill.   However, these weren't just any burgers, they were Butcher Boy (North Andover MA) Sirloin Burgers.  1/2 lb, slabs of meat that basically look like Filet Mingons in a burger shape, red, juicy and waiting to be consumed.  Decided to George Foreman them instead of using the grill because they were frozen and the Foreman does a better job I find of cooking frozen food evenly without searing etc.  Anyway, they blow away the Market Basket 1/4lb burgers you can get in both flavor and quality.  Unlike the Market Basket burgers these were not just oily greese balls with a little meat mixed in that shrink up to the size of a quarter when cooked.  No, these remained large, remained juicy, remained delicious. Threw them on some pretty standard buns - nothing special about them at all; they just fufilled thier function of buns.

Only downside was I did not have any american cheese, so I could not make cheeseburgers out of them.  Instead I had to cut up some sharp cheese on the side.  Glass of Lemonaide to go along with it.  Perfect summer time dinner. 

For the record, the George Foreman Grill is a must have for any kitchen.  This is what I have and its great
Check it Out Here.

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