Thursday, August 12, 2010

ABP - Grilled Chicken Ceasar Wrap

So I arrived at school yesterday, and was supposed to go straight to the gym; but I just couldn't walk by Au Bon Pan without grabbing some food.  Hey I was hungry!  Anyway, I figured a little food before the gym would help me lift some more, right? Muscle food?

So I walked in and decided on the Grilled Chicken Ceasar Wrap, and added a Nantucket Nectar Half and Half to the mix, since that is my favorite drink, all in all $8.17 in the hole.  So the guy behind the counter starts making the sandwhich, and I notice he puts on way to little ceasar dressing so I ask him to put some more on.  Thank god I did that at least, the sandwhich ended up being basically a lettuce sandwhich.  Which would not of been so bad if it was the good parts of the lettuce, but I got a lot of those overly crunchy, "root" ish parts, which I do not like.  Furthermore, the "grilled chicken" was not even grilled.  It was only warmed up in some hot water.  Pretty disapointing to be honest, but I have to come to realize at ABP it's really hit or miss, you either get a great meal, or a dismal one.

The only part of this meal that saved me from complete misery was the Nantucket Nectar Half and Half - man they make some good juice! As for my workout....Well I don't think lettuce is a good muscle food....

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