Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Symphony of Sushi

Sorry for the terrible quality of this picture.  I could not for the life of me get the lighting right.  At least it doesn't have a gross purple flare ever so present on the new iPhone 5 am I right?

What you are straining to see here is a plethora of Sushi provided Symphony Sushi.  This was a date night feast and we (meaning I) went all out and ordered up 4 different types of rolls.  We had Lobster Maki, Crazy Maki, Spider Maki, and Spicy Tuna Maki.  I don't know exactly what is in each one, but I do know it's a lot of spicy and a lot of delicious.  It also happened to cost a lot of money.  Ya know that green stuff, no not Wasabi - that green stuff we get for doing work and then quickly give away to please our taste buds.  No surprises here though, just a good meal and an excellent date night.  Can't wait to go back.

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