Friday, October 19, 2012

Austin Tehas - Sunday Gotta Go

Final day in Austin.  Woke up relatively hung over from Friday and Saturday.  My body was not happy  in from all the delicious but highly unhealthy food and alcoholic beverages I had binged on over the past two days.  I really struggled in the car until we made it to our destination and had some food. Our destination was this little Irish Pub on Sixth Street called B.D Rileys, a full on Patriots bar, which was convenient because the Patriots were on.

We ordered some tall pints of Guinness, which was a treat because I haven't had one in a few years believe it or not.  Anyway the atmosphere was real good.  When we first got there is was over-run by Bengals fans (wow that must suck...) but it was still a great football feel and everyone was really into the game.  They have a bunch of T.V's inside so it was as good as watching Red-Zone.

The waitress was a bit annoyed that we were only having Guinness and kept asking if we wanted to order food.  To be honest I wasn't really hungry at all; but finally Levine ordered some wings.  I had like 3 of them, when I was done my hands were totally clean, no sauce on my face etc. etc.  When Levine was done his hands were covered in sauce, he had sauce on his face; it was gross.  He might as well had just stuck is face into the plate and ate that way lol.  I don't know what is about some people they are just terrible at wing eating.  It's like yo bro - use two fingers don't grab it with your whole fist.

Right well anyway, after the first half of the pats I had to head to the airport.

 It was a great trip, Levine was a great host and I want to do it again next year if Levine is down.  Maybe we can get some more people to make the trek and enjoy a weekend partying.

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