Thursday, October 11, 2012

Cheers! Pumpkin Beer.

I actually went to the Sam Adams Beerfest a few weeks ago with my buddy Herrick and his fiance Dina but before we stopped in at Cheers (The REAL Cheers on Beacon) for some lunch.  For some reason I didn't take a picture of what I ate (A UNBELIEVABLE Hot-Dog with Chile and Cheese) most likely because it was so good I devoured it before I had a chance to snap a pic.

However, I did take a picture of the beer I ordered.  Pumpkin beer, with cinnamon around the top of the glass.  It was pretty fantastic  not 'gonna lie.  I really enjoyed the foam on the top too for some reason.  It mixed in with the cinnamon and actually tasted more like the creme foam you get with a latte or something.  Anyway, it was my first Pumpkin beer of the season, not the last of the day though, there was plenty more at the Beer Fest.


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