Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Austin Tehas - Friday

 So this past weekend I went down to good 'ol TEHAS.  Well actually since I went to Austin it's more like Wierdo Tehas.  Anyway, the purpose of the trip was to visit my pal Levine (Pictured left with the big nip showing) and attend Austin City Limits Music Festival.  Oh yah that's me in the yellow glasses, and blue cutoff by the way, I know I know total stud.

So Friday I arrived at around 11am, basically went straight to the fest and met up with Levine and a few other pals I know that happened to be there.  This festival was really surprising for the quality of food available.  I experienced for the first time Torchy's Taco's.  What you see in the bottom picture is called a "Trailer Park."  Basically it's fried chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese in a soft tortilla bun and some chipotle sauce.  I can't begin to tell you how awesome this thing tasted.  Easily the best TACO I've ever had.  To be totally honest, the picture you're seeing is from Sunday before I left for the airport because I had to get more before I left and was too drunk to remember to take a picture of what I was eating at the Fest itself but you get the idea...

Oh yah the beer selection at ACL was awesome, but being a true bro I just cranked Bud Lights all day. Not worth a pic right?

So anyway, after the festival which was capped with an epic set by Avicci,  we made our way back to Levines and promptly passed out.  I mean 9 hours of straight drinking, 5 of which in the beating sun wears you out fast.  P.S. Levine you totally suck at drinking now - really have lost your edge braaaah.

I'll be back with Saturday and Sunday re-cap tomorrow. In the mean time enjoy a little Avicci below; fast forward like 10-15 seconds to avoid some nasty reverb at the start if it kills ya ears ;)

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