Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Snack Time Feature

Just a little feature of a few snacks I've had in the last few weeks.

First off, up top we have Pretzel Bites from the mall up in Salem NH.  It's hard to walk past Pretzel Time (or whatever the new name is) without stopping, the aroma really gets to me.  Funny thing is, these things never taste as good as they smell.  Anyway, it's an automatic that you have to get them with honey mustard or you're just not doing it right.  Nutritional Value = 0, Comfort = 10.  At least I had a water right?

Next up, we have the always delicious, and ultimate regret creating Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich WITH M&M's.  I don't care how bad this thing is for you (and it's REALLY bad, this one had ~500 calories, 15g fat, 40 carbs) it tastes so damn good going down.  There really is nothing better than a cookie, stuffed with iced-cream.  Hmm, I'd really like to see an OREO Ice-Cream Cookie Sandwich now that I think of it, that might be better.

The only problem with these things, is they are actually relatively small, and despite being a mouthful of joy during consumption make you feel like total shit afterwards.  Oh well, the 30 seconds of mouth glory was worth the hours of regret and pity, right?

Next up, Sushi... from somewhere NOT called Symphony Sushi!!

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