Monday, October 8, 2012

So much for being healthy.... Wendy's Binge

Alright, I want to preface this post by saying that I go to the gym at least 3 times a week, weigh in at 175 lean pounds on a 5'11'' frame and and actually very active and healthy.

That being said my last post (see ABP Cranberry Chicken) where I said I'm trying to be healthy is obviously a complete lie if you look at the picture to the left.

I was weak. I binged. Whatever it tasted good.  What you see here is my first ever Wendys burger, a Wendy's Spicy Chicken Bacon Cheese and Avocado sandwich, a Chicken Wrap ($1 I mean how can you say no?) and the obligatory fries. What you don't see is the Coca-Cola to wash this decadence down.
Calorie count?  I don't know a bajillion maybe...
Cost?, less than $10 bucks!
PRICE? A pretty nasty visit to the bathroom a few hours later....

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