Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Black Angus Roast Beef & Cheddar ABP

Another Roast Beef for you today.  This time from Au Bon Pain right down the street from the Panera I posted about yesterday as a matter 'o fact.  This one is called the Black Angus Roast Beef & Cheddar and weighs in at 520 calories.  I got it on a wheat bread, and is topped with Tomatoes, some onions, mesclun (which apparently is some sort of salad mix), and a mayo mustard sauce like substance.  Well it was very good, a little on the bready side because they didn't stuff it all too well with beef, and it was pretty messy because they used a lot of sauce but overall i'd actually rank it higher than the Panera beef in yesterdays post.  Why?  Well it was less greasy, it had more overall flavor (partially because of the enormous amount of sauce) and was a larger meal that was actually more healthy.  Plus it was warmed up without me having to ask.  (http://www.aubonpain.com/)

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