Thursday, November 15, 2012

Peter's Pizza and Roast Beef

This is a real time post!  I had to run down to the Comcast in Wilmington today to pick up an HD Cable Box (upgrading from standard) for the new TV and low and behold right next door was Peters Pizza and Roast Beef in Wilmington right off of '93.  This was good news, because I was having a little nausea I think because I had not yet eaten or something.  Anyway, pretty standard Roast Beef place, little dingy on the inside as per usual but they did whip up a pretty solid sandwich   I ordered the Super Beef on an onion roll w/ cheese and sauce.  So as usual I was comparing to Harrison's Roast Beef, and while I don't think it was as good it wasn't to far off.  They use the same sauce, and onion rolls and the beef was good; however it was sort of clumpy so a few bites took most of the beef out of the bun.  Also interestingly, the bun was warm but the beef and cheese was cold?  I'd say if you're going to warm the bun (which I love) warm up the whole thing!!  On the side had a bag of BBQ chips, and washed it down with a water.  Overall a good stop, I'd hit it again if I was in the area.

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