Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Au Bon Pain Napa Chicken with Avocado

Whoa! I bet you're wondering why I haven't blogged it up in a couple weeks?  No you're not wondering... Fine.

Anyway what you see here is a ABP Napa Chicken with Avocado creation.  ABP is pretty solid when it comes to delivering reliably good wraps.  This one was no different.  As usual they use pretty fresh ingredients which included romaine lettuce and cucumber as well as chicken which was devoid of any fatty gross pieces which can instantly ruin a wrap.  The avocado itself MIGHT have been a little on the under-ripe side, but it didn't really detract from the overall experience.  My only regret, I forgot to ask them to use HOT CHICKEN, so I ended up with the cold strips which is never as good.  Take note, this is a fairly healthy option, I ordered it specifically because it was one of the lower calorie options on the menu!

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