Sunday, September 12, 2010

ABP - Grilled Chicken Ceasar Wrap

Swung into ABP (Au Bon Pan) with my grandparents and my mom who came onto campus to see my dorm today.  Got the Grilled Ceasar Chicken Wrap, but this time I gave instructions to my sandwhich maker to only use fresh/hot grilled chicken, put half the usual amount of lettuce and double the ceasar dressing.  The result? I much tastier wrap.  If you recall last time my sandwhich from ABP was dry, to lettucey and well just not that good.  This one was the opposite - very flavorful, it wasn't overflowing with lettuce which just dulls out the flavor and makes it to crunchy, and the extra dressing helped avoid any dryness.  Also the fresh/hot chicken didn't have any fatty pieces, and melted in my mouth.  Bravo ABP.

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