Troegs Mad Elf clocks in at 11% alcohol by volume. It's flavored with honey and cherries and has the color to match - it looks like honey that has been tinged red. It's much closer to an after dinner drink than it is a regular beer. It's a bit pricey, but when you compare the alcohol by volume to normal beers, the pricing makes sense. Plus it's delicious. Putting down a 6 pack will get you hammered drunk, but having one in place of desert is always a good decision.

Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale is probably the best beer ever made. It's an IPA that uses hops that somehow taste like Christmas. Sierra Nevada says they are using the first hops of the growing season, but the flavor it produces is different from any other IPA I've ever had. It tastes much more like a winter beer, which is strange since most IPAs produce a citrusy, summery flavor. I'll be drinking this for the entire winter season and I really wish they would produce it year round. Everyone should try this beer.
One last thing. (There are swears in this clip)
Well done RJ...love the spattering of Talladega Night clips/references. You are welcome here anytime!