Thursday, November 1, 2012

Conor Larkin's

Went to Conor Larkins, which is Northeastern's little on-campus bar a week or so ago with RJ, pre-gaming for a 7 hour Pub Crawl.  Now 99% of the time I go with the Reuben here, but I was feeling adventurous and decided to try out the Tuna Melt sandwich instead. Listen, it was good.  It's a solid Tuna Melt.  Does it match up with the Reuben  No not even close.  Will I get it again?  Most likely not unless I need the healthier protein.  Fact is, it was very simple, delicious yes, but delicious in the way a home made Tuna Melt is delicious, nothing special about it.  As per usual the Sweet Potato Fries were wonderful though.  Also I love Conors because you can play Mario Cart on N64 there!  Wahooo!   Anyway, next time back to the Reuben for sure.

On a side note, a few days ago I tried this beer RJ gave me.  Really all I can say about it was it's pretty potent alcohol wise, and a lot thicker/hoppier(?) than my usual Miller Lites.

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