Went out to try a new Roast Beef place today that is fairly close to my new job called Royal Roast Beef. I had heard it was pretty good so expectations were high. Walking in I felt a little like I was betraying my go to roast beef place, "Harrisons," but life goes on. Anyway, as it turns out it's a lot like Harrsions, same ordering process, Beef, Sauce, Cheese, Mayo. Same grungy behind the counter scene. Same quick delivery. The differences? Well for one their fries don't compare. They are your standard cheap-o McDonald's fashioned fries. I prefer the big steak fries at Harrisons. The Beef? Pretty Royal. It was delicious, my sample size is to small to make a real comparison of "Whos is better" Harrisons vs. Royal but I will keep track and try it a few more times and eventually do a title match chow down. At first taste, it's very similar to Harrsions, I like the buttered and warmed bun at Royal more though. The Beef itself was skimpier than Harrsions, but I ordered a large and not their "Super Sandwich" so that may be the reason. Other than the quality was good, no fatty pieces or chewy bits that I had to spit out. A tad heavy on the Mayo and a bit short on the sauce. Again this could be because I'm not used to ordering here, next time I'll ask for "extra sauce". Cheese is cheese, although for a "hot sandwhich" it was luke warm and the cheese wasn't melted. Washed it down with some lemonade. All for $10 bucks, pretty good if you ask me.
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