So my last meal of August was at home tonight, my mom and I decided to get some Josephs Egg Fettuccine and some meat sauce, as well as a little arabachi sauce and make a absurdly good pasta dinner. This may be my new favorite home cooked meal. Firstly, Josephs makes thier pasta fresh and on location so this is really...well fresh, really high quality pasta, and the same goes for thier sauce. What we do is we mix half meat sauce, half arabacia sauce and it combined it makes for a completely unbeatable, immensley flavorful sauce for any pasta.

Anyway, Alex came over and fortunatley brought a bottle of French wine, so the meal was complete. It was a great bottle of wine too, from the Wine Sense store in downtown Andover. The pasta was great as I expected, cooked perfectly Al Dente by my mom, and as I mentioned this combination of the two sauces is unbeatable, its so good and the arabachia sauce adds a whole new dimension of flavor to your traditional mundane meat sauce! We also have a little tomato and fresh Mozzarella (also from Josephs) with a bit of Olive oil on it and some fresh Italian bread that was right out of the oven when I bought it just a few hours before consuming.
Good bye August, hello September - I will be going back to school soon, so we'll see how I do with keeping up on posting and I'll do my best to throw in something else besides the dining hall everyday!
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