So a few week ago it was Thanksgiving. Also known as my favorite holiday. A lot of people say this glorious day is over-rated. Well I tell you those people have no souls. How can a day of relaxing, delicious and copious amounts of food and booze, combined with football, video games, and family be anything but epic. I mean for gods sake just look at my dog right there, being all cute and awesome. I love Lucky!!
So anyway, Thanksgiving rocks. This year my mom and I went to my aunts house and the family put on quite the show. The food was delicious, and as you can see from the picture there was plenty of different dishes. In the top right I have some stuffing, which is possibly my favorite Thanksgiving dish, moving clockwise the Turkey, a nice roll, possibly the most interesting dish a sort of carrot and cheese dish that was stunning, some potatoes smothered in butter, corn and sweet po'taters. I mean this was one the best spreads of Thanksgiving food I have had in a long time.
Naturally after dinner, I had to indulge myself with some of my moms famous and delicious Apple Pie. I challenge anyone to say they have had better apple pie, I can almost guarantee it's a lie. My mom easily makes the best apple pie, the apples are mushy, but hold texture, the crust is ridiculous, the entire pie literally melts in your mouth. Seriously it's orgasmic. I have and can easily eat an entire pie in one sitting and it's so good I don't even feel bad about.
For the record, the Patriots WON, I played a ton of video games, and slept. Another successful and glorious Thanksgiving.